Tuesday, September 6, 2011

No Scooby Doo for You.

For the past six months, we haven't had TV.

Yes.  That's right.  We didn't even have one up.  It was packed away for the past six months.

I have a love/hate relationship with TV.  Not to sound snooty, but I've always thought of watching TV as being a very .... American pastime.  Once I moved out of my Dad's house, I didn't even own a TV.  I think at one point I might have, but watched TBS only back when TV antennas worked.

Anyway, when I started dating Todd, he wasn't a fan of TV either, but he had a nice, new plasma TV (are they even called plasma TVs anymore?? HD???) that hung on the wall for the sole purpose of football season.

And then ... we fell in love ... with the TV. Ha. We discovered all the learning and documentary channels.  We never got on any of the big series like Lost or American Idol or any of those cult-following-type shows. (Not to say there's anything wrong with those shows) But every night, we were SO excited when  there was a new episode of "I Survived" or "I was Bitten" or "I'm Alive" (... are you sensing a trend?)

And of course, there was football.  After being a super cheerleader for the better part of seven years, do you know that I had NO IDEA what in the world was going on out there?  Todd fixed that fairly quickly.

Then Saul came along and I indulged a little more when he would nap since I wasn't working.

Once the TV was gone, I'm not gonna lie, it was boring.  But I got used to it.  I found Mommy blogs.   I've been very proud to say that Saul has only seen TVs at other people's homes.  Even when we did have one, we never let him watch it.

But ... when the DirecTV guy came and set us up, Todd sat down with Saul in the floor while he drank his morning milk ... and they watched Scooby Doo.

You guys, it was precious. 

 So now Saul is down for a nap and I have a monumental amount of laundry to fold (my housekeeping arch-enemy) and I'm practically giddy! What will I watch?!? Everyday Italian with Giada?? Bevery Hills 90210 (because even with 90's hair, Brandon Walsh is soooo cute)??? A documentary on inner-city school's art programs!?


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