You new? Me too!


I'm Molly.  I'm the Momma here.  That's Saul, the very first fruit of my womb.  
I'm pseudo-married (i.e. not yet married, meh.) to a fantastic man named Todd.  He is incredibly handsome.  I almost can't bear to look at him. 

He's a hairdresser (obviously), and is insanely gifted at it.  I mean, did I luck out or WHAT?! 
He is a huge Saints fan and an avid fisherman, when time permits.  So manly! 

This is Saul.  Established April 23, 2010. 

He is absolutely the most amazing little boy EVER. 
I'm probably biased.  That's okay. 

He loves blankets, feet tickling, sticking his hands in the dog bowl when I'm not looking, and saying, "DOW!" ... whatever that means. 

He is the joy of our lives.  I'm so thankful I was chosen to be his mother. 

Speaking of joy, life, and thankfulness, we love Jesus around here. I am so completely nothing without Him. I'm scum.  I'm despicable.  But I've been justified by JC, so I try my best and ask for forgiveness.

I'm a wanna-be gardener, a crafter of sorts, and generally just talkative.  On a good day, I might make you laugh.  I try really hard not to fall to pressures of striving for perfection in wifeness (totally not a word), mommy matters, and housekeeping ... and crafting ... and photography ... and well, life.  I try really hard, you guys. Comparison games are bad for a woman's soul. But... I'm not perfect, so sometimes I do.  

I digress.  
Basically, I hope you stick around.  I might have something for you.  

Oh, and I don't have facebook or a fancy camera.  Don't worry.  It's okay. 

Questions? Want to shout out to me?  Want to rant and rave at me?  

Contact me at: