Thursday, November 10, 2011

Time Out

Y'all, until last night, I pretty much thought time out was a load of bunk.

But seriously - IT CHANGES LIVES!!

Saul has hit a phase where he's being very ugly and not very nice (at times).  I think he's just testing limits and pushing boundaries.  It's so normal, but very frustrating.

Last night, we were playing with his blocks as a family.  Todd and I were making these castles for him to knock down, but he got impatient and wanted to knock it down NOW.  After a few "No-no's" he started doing it to spite us!! NOT MY PRECIOUS BABY BOY!!

Todd just scooped him up and sat him about 2 feet away from us and said, "Saul, you're in time out until you can play nice."  That was it.  He was shocked!! He just sat there and whined.  I felt bad because the kiddo looked super sad.  But he waited.  Todd and I continued to play until about a minute passed.

Saul was settled and we let him play.  I think he needed to figure the whole thing out, so (weird) he started being ugly again.  Boop! Back to timeout he went!

After that, he was good! He totally understands!
I've had to put him in time out twice today for doing things he knows he's not supposed to (aka touching the TV and touching the computer). He has his own corner and everything.  He just sits there.  I only make him sit for about 1 minute because I don't want him to forget what's going on an why, so 60 seconds is perfect. It's actually pretty cute to see him sitting there ... (I even took a photo -- Bad mom.)



marissa said...

Ha! That face! So cute!

PS, I'm so glad you're blogging again! =]

Marissa said...

Holy adorable little boy!

Marissa said...

P.S. - so not fair you snagged a man who does hair!