Friday, May 20, 2011

Five Minute Friday

When Seasons Change

 I love spring.  I love summer even more.  I always have.  Like millions of people out there, I get kinda of down in the dumps after a long winter.  And, every winter is too long.

Warm sunshine and warm nights are what I'm made for.  Like all the flowers that peek their heads up from the cold ground once temperatures rise and the days get a little longer, something in me wakes up, too.

I get a little happier.  I get a little more romantic.  I have a little more energy.  I'm a little more creative.

I know God knew just what he was doing when created seasons - both weather season and seasons of life.

There is always another season to come.  Whether you're in the depths of Winter or heartache, Spring is always just around the corner.  

When the seasons change, I am aware of how blessed I am and the vast beauty of this earth.


Anonymous said...

so simple and so beautiful. love this.

(you were my 'before me' person on gypsymama.)


Stacie said...

What a hope-filled post. And the photo is just beautiful.

Kris said...

So much hope and beauty in these words! Bless you, and thank you for sharing your light! What a joy this was to read ;-) Blessings to you this weekend, friend.

Carrie said...

Jumping over from FMF.

I love this reminder - there is always another season to come.

Great post!

Rebekah {honeyandcheese} said...

Lovely. It makes me want to go outside and run around in the sunshine.

Theresa Miller said...

Yes, today is one of those drawn-out rainy, dreary days and I'm feeling a little gloom. But, the earth is greener for it and I know the sunshine is on it's way!