Thursday, September 15, 2011


So life has suddenly picked up the pace on me.  While we've been adjusting to full schedules, blogging has been slack.

Since the (re)appearance of the TV, that's meant that I have no computer desk/home office area. . Boo.  That means that I have had no where to edit photos.  That also means that I'm having to blog on my netbook, which is really NO good for blogging.

However, I have acquired a iPhone-wannabe phone, and downloaded an app for totally trendy photos (seen above).

What we've been up to - eating, learning to climb, washing hands, generally just being hyperactive (if you're Saul), bible study, doctor's appointments, and I've been busier with my work than EVER.

Speaking of schedules, Saturday, we'll be meeting up with Kimberly Card for a little professional photo loving.  Hopefully we'll get some great shots of Saul. I was talking to Todd last night about how one of my major regrets is not getting newborn shots of Saul. Oh well.  When #2 comes along, that'll be first on my list.

Well, there you go.  A little update to keep you going.

Oh, and PS. my garden is poo-poo.  I'm over it!! Let's just fast-forward to next spring so I can try again, okay?

1 comment:

Renee said...

Your photo's are beautiful and your boy is just gorgeous!!