That actually happened. Yesterday.
Todd and I were outside harvesting what's left of the garden. I'm talking Todd's head off while picking cucumbers when I hear coughing.
I look down.
Saul is spitting and there's a tiny red pepper coming out of his mouth.
I literally THROW the cucumbers, yank him up, do the mommy-finger-swoosh to get the thing out.
He gags a little bit, but nothing got swallowed (THANK YOU, JESUS!!).
We run inside and the only things we can think of to give him is milk. Milk will help, RIGHT?!
I'm shaking so hard and crying a little bit. Mom-guilt, you guys. I'm like, "Ohmigosh, Todd! I wasn't looking!! He was right in front of me and I WASN'T LOOKING!!"
Todd, who loves peppers almost as much as he loves me (almost), is half-laughing at me, saying it's okay. Things happen. He didn't choke. He's alive. It'll hurt for a minute, then it'll go away.
You know what? Todd was right.
Do you know that that child hardly cried at all?!? He didn't puke. He didn't cry really hard. He just kinda kept moving his mouth weird and around his mouth got red. He was just really excited (and by really, i mean kind of) by getting to drink a ba-ba an hour before dinner. He seemed more upset that Mommy was shaking and crying.
It obviously hurt, because ... homegrown Tabascos are really, really hot. But I'm so proud of him. Within 15 minutes, he was running around yelling and laughing again.
I even called Poison Control just in case (aka I'm a crazy first-time mother) and they laughed at/with me. I think he was more laughing AT me. He said it's no big deal. He might have the scoots. He'll be okay. Put Maalox on his mouth if it stays red (but don't give it orally. Babies can't take it), but generally, peppers are food. They aren't poisonous. Umm... Duh.
I just still feel SO bad.
I think this classifies as a Grade-A Parenting Fail.
Poor Saul, and Poor Mama!
babyy booo
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