I always kind of thought baby sign language was kinda pointless. I know, judge me.
Well, I'm about to give it a go.
Saul is not TERRIBLY behind on speech, but I'm starting to give it a little thought. He knows all his animal sounds, he "sings" with me, he knows a few words and phrases, but I recently read that by age two, you should be able to understand 25% of what your child says, and they should know 50+ words.
We're not quite there.
Another reason I was skeptical was because he knows everrryything we say. He totally understands us. You can tell him to pick up his blocks, go find his shoes, close the door, "are you hungry?" and tons of other stuff. You can tell him it's time for night-night, and he goes to his room, and brings back his blanket, paci, and a diaper. I mean, tell me he doesn't know what night-night means!
He says things like ball, good bye, hey, "naaaa" for banana, "all-gaw" for all gone, and a lot of phrases that have the same pitch as we say them.
But also, I've noticed Saul getting really frustrated. He went through a talking spree a few weeks ago, but he's kind of quieted down lately.
I found an awesome site that is a huuuge dictionary of baby signs. Just before I put him down for his nap, I taught him the sign for "more." He got it in about 3 minutes. He loved how happy I got when he did it right when I asked him to.
So I think I'm going to work on just a few basics - more, please, all-gone/finished, and again. They're all relatively easy.
Wish me luck!
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