Friday, January 13, 2012

Garden '12?

So it's just about that time of year.

Look at me ... I wish.
Source: via Molly on Pinterest

When I get a moment of down time - aka - during naps, while trying to distract myself from all the typing work I should be doing, I've started pulling out my gardening books again.

It's been an extreeeemely mild winter thus far, so who's to say that it won't continue to be mild? (Ahem, my luck)

And now that we (may) have found our new home, I need to have my ducks in a row.  Once we move (again, fingers crossed), I'll need to unpack ... then get down to business in the garden.

I'm serious. Every year, my passion is growing.  I know that by July, I'll be dragging my sweaty behind out to the jungle to water plants at 10:00 a.m. and whining to Todd about how "I'm DONE with the gardening thing," but HEY - WHO CARES?!! I'll be feeding my family good, whole foods grown with the Good Lord's grace and some favorable weather conditions.

I pulled out my garden notebook and looked through it today.  It was so cute.  I didn't know what in the world I was doing.  I was just throwing everything in the dirt in one of those little plastic greenhouses you get from Home Depot and sticking it in front of a space heater.  I was so pumped! It's cute.

So with a very small amount of experience under my belt, I have better ideas.  I cannot wait to get started.  I have some goals that I was going to share with you, but this is already too wordy.  I'll just contain myself.


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