Saturday, May 14, 2011

Deep Breath

So it appears that the vanishing blog post has reappeared. That's good.

Now, since I'm not going to spend the next hour re-posting, I'm about a day late on something I want to join in the blog-o-sphere.

Enter: Five Minute Friday (except this time, it's on a Saturday.)

Five Minute Friday is easy. Over at The Gypsy Mama, she provides her readers with a simple prompt to write about each week on Friday for five minutes.  Easy enough, right?  It's just a bit of focused writing. 

Yesterday's prompt was Deep Breath. Here goes nothing:

This is a pretty fitting topic for my current state of mind. Things around here are in need of many deep breaths of fresh air.  Life, all too often, becomes stagnant and stale.  Repetitive. I don't think that God had a life of going through the motions in His plan for us.  As hard as it is sometimes, with all the millions of things I try to do daily to be supermom/super-almost-wife, deep breaths are usually something only taken in exasperation, and I hate that.  

A good, deep breath is good for you in so many ways - both literally and figuratively.  It fills you up and renews your body and spirit.

Just last night, I came to grips with a lot of mom-guilt and insecurities. I cannot please every one all the time.  Why I even want to/think I can/try?  I don't know.  I'm still figuring that out.  My main priorities should go as such: 1. God 2. My Man 3. My Son.  That's it.  And even if I fail them some of the time, that's okay, too.  Coming to terms with the fact that sometimes you fail - and you fail miserably - is freedom. However, it is still hard, and it sucks, and you don't want to face it.  It makes you feel bad about yourself. 

Stopping to take a deep breath is a great chance to see God's grace and love.  When you take the time to be still and breath, He will fill your lungs with a sweet, new song. He comforts you and let's you know that it's okay. That you are enough.  That you are well.  That you are precious.  He lets you know that never are your efforts in vain if your heart's desire is to glorify Him.  

Writing this has been a Deep Breath for my soul.  The Lord has already lifted my spirit. 

Love, M

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