Friday, September 2, 2011

Lesson in Baby Boys

Don't let his cute face fool you.  This kid is a mess. 

Rule No. 1 for being mother to a boy:
(you know, 'cause I'm such an expert ... ?) 

Let's just talk a little bit about the messes he's gotten me into this week 

1.  It's bathtime.  I pull his clothes off and let him be nekid for a few minutes.  Who doesn't like a nekid baby? I'll tell you who - the floor.  The kiddo pees in the floor.  Yes. 

2. Saul, will you please go back in time to where you DIDN'T know how to unscrew caps? That little milestone left me with an entire bottle of baby shampoo in the middle of the kitchen floor. 

3.  Um, did you see my last post? He was COVERED in mud/sand/dirt and had to go on my shoulders again.  Sand in the hair ... and the carseat ... and all over the rest of the car ... and my house. 

4.  He's decided the he will only eat if he can feed himself, thankyouverymuch.  The pup appreciates this.  This mess I only have to clean up a little bit. 

5.  This one may not be a physical mess, but it made me a mental mess - Munja man threw the mother of all fits while I was in at an appointment. 30 minutes of inconsolable crying.  Mmm. Love those. 

I think that's all so far this week that leaves a lasting impact.  My brain is fried.  Even though I'm griping, I'm really not.  He looks so cute all dirty/sweaty/snot-face/tear-stained. 

The joys of little boys! 

What are some of your favorite/most memorable messes?

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