Tuesday, January 24, 2012

He's my Son vs. I'm a Mom

Daily, I look at my son, and think to myself, "Oh, my gosh.  Look at this precious child."
Or, "I can't believe he is my SON."  
I have these moments of striking clarity.  He is a child that we have been blessed with.  He's a living, breathing soul, that is learning about the world around him daily. 

I know that I'm his mom, but less often, I have these moments where it hits me like a ton of bricks - I'M A MOM.

They hit at weird times.  Here's some examples:
  • Today, after being outside, I put him down for a nap.  I went to the kitchen and started cleaning Georgia Red Clay off his shoes.  I felt like a mom. 
  • The first time we got to buy band-aids for a booboo. (They're Sesame Street).  Felt like a Mom.
  • Putting Calamine Lotion on bug bites. Totally Mom.
  • The first time I made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I felt like a Mom. 
  • Each time he hurts himself, and the way he comes to me and asks me to kiss whatever he hurt.  Seriously.  He's learned that he should go to momma to get a kiss - no matter what.  I feel like a Superhero/Mom. 
It's the small stuff, guys.  I love love love being a mom!!! Even if I pull my hair out sometimes. Even if he's hitting terrible two's.  Even if his eye teeth are coming in.  I love it.

I hope that I encourage and nurture his spirit and give him confidence.  Unknowingly, in his innocence, he builds me up, too.  I love him.

1 comment:

marissa said...

This made me cry, Molly! So, so sweet. Saul is so lucky to have you.