But, I'm a busy girl. And I'm starting to feel like maybe I'm too busy.
I love my life, and I really don't want to get burnt out, but I've found myself being too stressed out too often.
I've found that my child cries more. I've noticed that my dog sleeps/lays around/mopes more. I've found that everything I look forward to ends up being a reason to be stressed. I've found that I don't do much of anything for myself.
Gardening, sure, I do that. Well, I try. There have been so many times lately where I wish I could do something, but can't -- because I'm too busy.
There is one area of my life that keeps me so busy, and I'm starting to wonder if it needs to be cut out. I don't want to miss out on the best years of my life because of something that will have no bearing on my life in the long run.
I don't mean to be cryptic, but this "thing" is truly a blessing, and I'm almost ashamed to complain about it. However, I'm a little tired of things like: being glad it's nap time for my son, wishing I were outside, NOT looking forward to the weekend, and continuing to put beautifying my new home on the back-burner.
Not cool. I either need to cut.it.out or find a new way to handle this. Life it just TOO short, y'all! It's a beautiful thing, this life; I don't want to miss a single moment.

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