This may not seem like much to anyone else, but to me, this is amazing. (I mean, aside from the incredibly cute baby paci-smiling at you. That's just too cute/amazing)
This little spot was absolutely wretched when we moved in a month ago. It had TON of the most pitiful, barely-hangin-on Monkey Grass, and a weird, partially dead tree that someone tried to cut down about .. 15 years ago. This is right in front of my front door. The house, as a whole, is seriously lacking curb appeal.
Well, basically what I did was pull everything up. T helped me remove the weird stump and showed me the best way to get the vengeful Monkey Grass out of the way.
I let it sit there for a day or so. This huge island of red clay. It rained. It was almost more of an eyesore than before. Gross. I tried a few different arrangements of cute containers with herbs and flowers in them. Still, no good.
Finally, my Grandma talked me into digging up my Gardenia bush from our old house. I was terrified! I was sure that I would kill that beautiful little bush. I was told to do it ASAP.
So, I did. And you know what? It's doing pretty well! I re-dug the hole, doctored up the soil a little bit, and watered my little Gard-y like crazy. I planted my Sunspot Sunflowers around the outside perimeter, and filled in the rest with African Daisy seeds.
It still looked pretty gross, so this morning, I mulched the whole area (except where the seeds are coming in) and it looks great! I'm so proud. I think I'm going to post about how gardening helps me understand God (and can be applied to any other aspect of life), but that's for another day, my friends.
In other news, Baby S is back to being his little angel self. I don't know WHAT that was the past few weeks, but hopefully, his attitude has changed for good. Poor little soul. I would hate to be crying that much. I know I didn't like hearing it!
Made friends with a neighbor yesterday. That was nice. T gave her an AWESOME haircut last night, too. People are really nice when you reach out. I love that the Lord has put it in my heart lately to be kind(er) and more outgoing. I've taken a few "plunges" lately, and everywhere I look, I see people who are desperate for warmth. Rarely do you find someone who doesn't like a genuinely sunny, friendly person.
Let your light shine. I challenge (Ooh - Sunday School word there) you to let your light shine. Emulate God's light and this beautiful weather and brighten someone else's day. Don't worry about your own day, and I promise, the Lord will take care of it for you.
This afternoon, I'm making a delicious, home-cooked dinner for this guy, to ensure that I brighten his day. I know I say it all the time, but, my goodness, what a wonderful man.
I love you all. Thanks again for taking the time to read my little posts. It brings a smile to my face.
1 comment:
This post is so sweet. Love you!
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