Well, guys, the sun is shining in my windows, and I've got a lot to be thankful for!
It's Friday!! I used to think TGIF was just for the working folk. I know now that by Friday, I can't WAIT for T to be home with us for three long days. Two sets of hands are definitely better than one! And that's true regardless of what phase of baby-dom S is in.
Daddy being home means lots of coffee, bread, playing in the floor, family naps, good dinners, special breakfasts, church and family outings. I love it when he's here with us. He is such an amazing man. I am so blessed to be his.
Anyway! Yesterday was a tiny bit better with Baby S after I whined about it. He got his first busted lip after dinner, which was a scene, but I have to admit ... it's cute. He's a little boy, and I've got a feeling that there's many more where that came from.
Bedtime, however, was no walk in the park. I won't expand. He just really loves his parents, and he never wants us to leave. That's all I'll say about that. :)
I also got a picture at around dinner time. This is a perfect representation of the craziness around this house at that time every night. I love it.
I love it. It's perfect!!
So this weekend, we've got a lot of fun stuff going on. Nice weather -- beautiful, actually. Garden planning. A few trips to Home Depot, I'm sure. Going out for dinner tonight. Puppies to play with. Maybe a ride out to pick up a vintage women's secretary desk I've been eying for weeks for the beautiful price of just $22. And a day-date on Monday for some time on the lake to get some sun on my ghostly pale legs, and for T to catch some fish. Oh, yeah. It's going to be a beautiful weekend.
I can't wait to get dirt under my fingernails.
Ps. My Sugar Snap Peas, Serrano Peppers, Spinach, and one teeny, tiny Early Girl Tomato sprouted! YES!! I HAVE A GREEN THUMB, Y'ALL!
I'm just too blessed.
Aww! I'm glad your little plants are growing! It sounds like you guys have a fun weekend planned! =]
What a muffin. He is so cute and your garden looks like it'll be a winner! xo
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