Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On Blogging In General

Let me start off by saying that I've had my first comment by someone I don't know. 

Dear Sarah, the fact that you stumbled across my page is a blessing in itself.  I have only been blogging for a few months, so the fact that anyone I don't know has found my little corner of the interwebs is awesome.  I am so honored that you decided to leave your comment.  Isn't that what blogging is about?  Sometimes, it feels good to hear a, "Me too!" You're not obligated to ever say another word, but thank you. 

Also, reader in Germany.  I see you.  That's awesome that you regularly check to see what little words I throw out into space.  I don't know who you are, or if you even really live in Germany, but I think it's so cool that you like what you read. Thank you.

This is not a post for self-glorification, but to say hello and thank you to those who like what they read.  Just like any other blogger, you write for readers.  If I wanted a private journal, I would have one.  I kept journals/diaries for 8 years, and I love them.  That is not where I am in my life now.

As I said, I write for advice, an outlet, and the "me too's".  Being a new mother is exciting, energizing, tiresome, and sometimes downright terrifying.  It's new to me.  I am not the first, nor the last "new mom" in the universe.  I get the hang of it more and more each day.  I don't know that I have more or less to say than any other mother out there, but I love having a place to share. 

I love your input, and I love that people may keep that input to themselves.  It's alright either way.  I'm just glad that I have a place where some people want to visit sometimes.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm glad I commented. You said just what I thought!